
homebrew music applications for the Nintendo DS
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  • glitchDS: Seeking iPhone developer for port of glitchDS!

    Posted on October 4th, 2009 admin 1 comment


    I’m seeking a programmer (or small team) to help port glitchDS to the iPhone.  The preferred candidate(s) would be willing to share the profit from sales as payment for work.  Candidate should have prior success in developing and distributing iPhone apps.  Although I’m a programmer, I don’t have the time to invest in learning iPhone development, but I’ve would be happy to help set goals, outline specifications, supply sounds, and share code from either the DS or Java (Processing) versions.  The iPhone interface could mimic the DS version closely.

    The youtube video of glitchDS has over 37,000 views.  The website has had 41,000 unique visitors within the past 2 years.  I expect an iPhone version would be well received. :-)

    If interested, contact me at

    - Bret

  • glitch-sequencer, like GlitchDS but for Mac and PC

    Posted on April 30th, 2009 admin 12 comments

    I was keeping it silent for a while, but now that the youtube video is out, the cat’s out of the bag.

    Glitch-sequencer is now available, free!  Glitch-sequencer is like glitchDS, but for the Mac and PC.  It’s a pure MIDI sequencer, which means it doesn’t make any noise on its own.  You need either external gear or some knowledge of soft-synths.  If you download it, a small donation would be appreciated.

    Enjoy! Requires Java 1.6 or higher. So far, a few Mac users have reported problems. Please report the problems to me or post them in the comments area. I may spawn out a new topic in the forums for glitch-sequencer related conversation.

    - Bret

  • Coming soon: glitchDS for the PC/Mac as a MIDI sequencer

    Posted on March 24th, 2009 admin 14 comments

    I decided to postpone the release date of the new PC/Mac port of glitchDS a week or two in order to add a few more features and really focus on the interface.  I’m striving to make the new program as intuitive as possible.  Unlike the DS version, the PC/Mac version is a MIDI sequencer only.

    Make Magazine snapped a photo of the new application while I was at Handmade Music here.

    == UPDATE==

    Sorry for the delay.  I’m still adding features.  For example, I’ve upped the maximum pattern length from 32 to 64 steps.  I’ve created quick-file-load and quick-file-save shortcuts (keys 0-9).  I also totally forgot about volume control sliders which I’ll be adding tomorrow.  I know that none of this means much considering I’ve never really shown off the application yet, but I just wanted everyone to know that I have been working diligently and still intend to release it soon!

  • GlitchDS @ Handmade Music in NYC

    Posted on March 16th, 2009 admin 3 comments

    On Thursday, March 19th, I’ll be attending Handmade Music in New York, hosted by Create Digital Music and 3rd Ward. I’ll be bringing two Nintendo DS’s packed with GlitchDS, RepeaterDS, and CellsDS for people to play with. I’m also unveiling a new, free PC/Mac compatible MIDI sequencer which is very similar to GlitchDS. If you’re in the area, drop by and say hello!

    When? This Thursday, March 19th, 7:30pm to 10:30pm.
    Where? 3rd Ward: 195 Morgan Avenue in East Williamsburg, Brooklyn

    More information can be found here:

    Incidentally, I’m flying in from San Francisco and staying in upper Manhattan. If anyone is planning on going and can give two passengers a ride either to or from the event, please let me know.


  • Quotile - new PC MIDI sequencer written in Processing

    Posted on January 8th, 2009 admin 4 comments

    I’m happy to announce my new PC MIDI sequencer: “Quotile”. In short, it’s a strange little PC step sequencer where patterns can be mutated, stretched, or otherwise modified using an old-school command line interface.

    As usual, it’s completely free, and it’s now publicly available for testing. So far, only PC users have been successful in running it. It’s programmed in Processing using the Midibus library.

    If you unearth any bugs, please report them here or at the email posted at

  • New sounds for glitchDS / cellsDS

    Posted on January 5th, 2009 admin 2 comments


    macrogmittrei has released two new packs of sounds for glitchDS and cellsDS.



  • Seeking beta testers for new MIDI sequencer

    Posted on December 26th, 2008 admin 1 comment


    I’m just wrapping up a new experimental MIDI sequencer for the PC.  (It may also run on the Mac and Linux.)  I’m looking for a handful of people to help beta test and give me feedback.  It only sends out MIDI notes, so you should either have some external MIDI gear (preferably a drum machine) or know your way around MIDI Yoke.

    Contact me at if you’re interested.
    (Click on the … portion of my email to reveal it.)

    - Bret

  • glitchDS and repeaterDS in Reaktor

    Posted on December 9th, 2008 admin 11 comments


    I wanted to share a little project that I’m working on.  I’ve created a Reaktor patch that’s similar to glitchDS and repeaterDS.  I may post the patch eventually, but currently I’m hording it for myself.  I expect to spend some time on glitchDS and cellsDS over the Christmas break.  I’m also starting work on an interesting new Midi sequencer using Processing.  I’ll keep you posted.

    Unfortunately, I had to record the audio and video separately so they don’t really match. But they’re both from the same instrument.

    - Bret

  • cellsDS - v1.3: MIDI Output

    Posted on October 4th, 2008 admin 9 comments

    cellsDS version 1.3 is available in the download section. The major new feature is midi-output support using . This new package contains updated documentation, scripts, and roms. If you are upgrading from a previous version, don’t forget to backup your custom scripts and sounds before installing the new version.

    Features include:

    • * Support for MIDI-output. Many of the Lua scripts have been updated with MIDI support.
    • * For developers: More colors, midi output functions, and a few other surprises. See the updated developer’s guide for more information

    If you are upgrading, make sure the midi.txt file is copied to your /cellsDS folder.  If you are installing cellsDS for the first time, unzip the package and copy the cellsDS folder to the root of your card.  If you have problems, check out the forums at

    Update: I forgot to mention that there’s a new screen which was added for initiating the WIFI-MIDI connection. Use [L] and [R] shoulder buttons to access the midi page.

  • cellsDS - v1.2 (small update)

    Posted on September 28th, 2008 admin 3 comments

    cellsDS version 1.2 is available in the download section. It’s a small update that includes:

    * A new page containing 6 volume sliders corresponding to the 6 engines. The volume settings are saved along with your snapshots. Use the LEFT or RIGHT shoulder buttons to navigate to the volume page.

    * Fixed a bug where the BPM wasn’t properly set after loading a snapshot. (Thanks Gojira)

    * Fixed a bug where the Lua ACTIVE global variable wasn’t getting set in the active engine immediately after loading a snapshot.